

August 26, 1864 in Murom held a grand opening of a water pipe, built with the funds of the mayor Alexei Ermakov.

The complex included a water pump with drainage wells, a main discharge line with cast iron pipes of 775 meters in length, a water tower with a tank, a water pipe line made of wooden pipes more than four kilometers long, more than a dozen fountains, water decks on the Horse Square and at a fair.

Passing the water supply to the city society, AV Ermakov set the conditions: all residents should use water from fountains for free; The water supply must not be leased for the purpose of charging for the right to use water; The first three years the water supply is contained by the inhabitants themselves, and then by the municipal duma.

The installation of a water pipe not only made life easier for the population, but also positively affected the sanitary condition and appearance of the city. There was no longer any need in the Kozya River, the remnant of the former city ditch that had once defended the city Kremlin from the west. There was always dirty water here, suitable only for extinguishing fires and watering the gardens. The river was covered, and in its place the Haymarket Square was defeated. For the backfilling, a shaft was torn down in the square near the Troitsky Monastery, and also used the land taken during the clearing of the place on Voevodskoye Gora (Oksky Park), where work was carried out to expand the city boulevard, organized in 1852 by order of the Murom city prince Trubetskoi.

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Anna A. Gorskaya Curator of the project

Муромский музей совместно с ОАО «МТС» представляют историко-культурный проект «Виртуальная история».

На сайте музея с помощью Яндекс-карт, к которым «приколоты» фотографии и описания достопримечательностей, можно увидеть Муром начала ХХ века. Представленные в проекте фотографии происходят из личных коллекций двух «отцов-основателей» Муромского музея — краеведа Николая Гавриловича Добрынкина и городского головы Ивана Петровича Мяздрикова. В фондах музея сохранилось более ста видов города Мурома их авторства конца XIX — начала ХХ века.