
Shopping Rows

The main square of Murom at different times had different names: Living room, Gostinodvorskaya, Rozhdestvenskaya, Khlebnaya. In Soviet times ─ Peasant Square, now ─ 1100th anniversary of Murom.

The area was so huge that even its individual parts had their names. In the very center was the church of the Nativity of Christ — around it is Christmas Square. Behind the trading rows, closer to the river is the Nikolo-Zaryadskaya church, and this place was called Zaryad’e. The open territory near the Trinity and Blagoveshchensky monasteries was called Troitskaya or Konnaya Square, where live livestock was sold — horses, cows, pigs, chickens, geese.

The whole area was built up with benches: bread, fried, meat, salt, fish, moskatelnye, shoemakers. By the middle of the XIX century. Wooden benches were demolished, and instead of them stone trading rows were built according to exemplary architectural designs. These rows along the perimeter closed the central part of the square, and thus formed an internal guest yard. Now some old constructions have survived from the old shops.

In addition to trade facilities, public buildings were on the square. For example, at the beginning of the XIX century in Zaryadye was built a house for urban management. Now it houses the Art Gallery of the Murom Historical and Art Museum.

In the 1930s the Nativity Church of the 18th century was demolished. Now on the site of the temple stands the monument to Lenin sculptor Yuri Neroda, established in 1962.

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04 марта 2017

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Anna A. Gorskaya Curator of the project

Муромский музей совместно с ОАО «МТС» представляют историко-культурный проект «Виртуальная история».

На сайте музея с помощью Яндекс-карт, к которым «приколоты» фотографии и описания достопримечательностей, можно увидеть Муром начала ХХ века. Представленные в проекте фотографии происходят из личных коллекций двух «отцов-основателей» Муромского музея — краеведа Николая Гавриловича Добрынкина и городского головы Ивана Петровича Мяздрикова. В фондах музея сохранилось более ста видов города Мурома их авторства конца XIX — начала ХХ века.